Self-hosted AI audio transcription
audio hacktoberfest-accepted Svelte ai transcription transcript hactoberfest hacktoberfest2024Aufgenommen vor 4 Monaten
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Self-hosted AI audio transcription
audio hacktoberfest-accepted Svelte ai transcription transcript hactoberfest hacktoberfest2024Stunning status pages, batteries included!
monitoring nodejs Svelte observability status-page statuspage sveltekit monitoring-toolAn intuitive spreadsheet-like interface that lets users of all technical skill levels view, edit, query, and collaborate on Postgres data directly—100% open source and self hosted, with native Postgres access control.
javascript Python django TypeScript postgresql airtable-alternative automatic-api database-gui postgres Svelte sveltejs database-management postgresql-database db-admin database-accessHigh performance self-hosted photo and video management solution.
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javascript Python django TypeScript rest-api restful-api postgresql airtable-alternative automatic-api database-gui postgres Svelte django-rest-framework sqlalchemy sveltejs database-management