A serial device I/O tool
linux C xmodem ymodem terminal serial automation command-line cli macos open-source Lua script serial-port tty uart rs-485 embedded rs-232 developers hackersAufgenommen vor einem Jahr
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A serial device I/O tool
linux C xmodem ymodem terminal serial automation command-line cli macos open-source Lua script serial-port tty uart rs-485 embedded rs-232 developers hackersThe Cloud-Native API Gateway
docker nginx kubernetes devops microservices api Lua serverless reverse-proxy cloud-native service-mesh iot api-gateway apigateway loadbalancing kubernetes-ingress-controller apisix apis luajit kubernetes-ingress api-managementNeovim config for the lazy
Lua neovim neovim-conf neovim-configuration neovim-plugin neovim-config nvimLightweight multi-platform code editor designed for modern hardware with a focus on responsiveness and performance.
terminal developer-tools ide vscode Lua gui lite text-editor code-editor lsp-client editor code geany zed lapce lite-xl text🔵 my dotfiles for `zsh`, `vim`, and hammerspoon
zsh dotfiles hammerspoon vim tmux tmuxinator Lua